The Seattle Testing Community

You know about Silicon Valley, but up here, we’re just as much a software community.

We have Starbucks and Boeing, Microsoft and Google, RealNetworks and F5 Networks, Getty Images and Corbis, Safeco and Washington Mutual, T-Mobile and Verizon, Amazon and Adobe…

With all of these big name technology companies, there’s lots of room to discuss software testing.

Here’s a sample:

  1. QASIG – this is the group that Quardev sponsors that meets on the second Wednesday of every odd month here at the lab – see the site for past speakers, all of which were booked because of their innovative topics
  2. SASQAG – meets on the third Thursday of every month.
  3. Sea-SPIN – Seattle Eastside Area Software Process Improvement Network – small group devoted to meeting monthly about process issues – meets at Construx in Bellevue on the third Monday of every month.
  4. OWASP Open Web Application Security Project – – Mike de Libero, OWASP Seattle chapter co-leader.
  5. ASQ American Society for Quality (Seattle chapter) –
  6. PNSQC Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference – – Now in their 25th year! A three-day conference held in Portland in October.

If you know of something that is not on this list, email me!

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