15 Years of Quardev!


Thinking back over the 15 years since we started Quardev I’m amazed at the changes we’ve seen both in technology and society. 15 years ago the twin towers were still standing, the country was less polarized, Facebook and other social media channels didn’t yet exist, technology was booming and dominated by the big guys – those who could afford to invest in R&D and long development and production cycles.

That scenario has all shifted drastically – we endured a national devastation when the twin towers and the pentagon were hit, precipitating the technology sector to free-fall into a deep spiral. Morale was low and things looked dire at the time but sticking to core values and believing in our collective spirit has helped us (and the country!) through countless challenges.

In any service industry, you must provide what your clients want and find value in. For us, it began with testing educational software. Our founders and our early team all had a passion and deep roots in education and loved helping our clients bring great options for online delivery of courses. And now there are whole institutions that use this method.

Weathering changes, adapting, rising to challenges, and thinking in terms of innovation have been at our core. Over time we’ve morphed from being the premier provider in testing education software to a well known and respected full-service testing facility that includes software delivered on endless modalities – PC/Mac, Smartphones, Tablets, TV set-tops, Car systems… and more.

In giving our clients the services they want and need we now staff projects in our facility that we run along with providing direct contract professionals who are embedded with our client teams – and more than Test and QA, we also help with project managers, developers, designers, UI/UX people and technical content team members.

It’s been fun and challenging and with every shift and change in the world and industry has always stayed engaging!

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