Organizing Your Job Search

organising your job search

Raise your hand if you’ve been having trouble getting recruiters to respond to you?

Oftentimes, getting their attention begins with something as simple as keeping your search organized. Otherwise, you may find yourself reaching out to the same companies, multiple times, without even realizing it. Not to mention, forgetting to follow up on your applications, or even applying to the exact same jobs repeatedly. Big no-no’s in the eyes of recruiting teams and hiring managers.

Keeping your search organized with the help of our easy-to-use Excel template lets you keep track of the positions you’ve applied to, greatly increasing your chances of landing your next job – and future jobs to come!

But don’t stop there! It’s also important to make sure you are tracking when you’ve applied and when you will want to follow up on your applications, requesting status updates or inquiring about next steps in the process. Once actively interviewing with a team, keeping track of interviewers’ feedback and anticipated hiring timelines are known to help smooth the transition into your new role.

Be ready for your next search by keeping your template handy to help you remember which positions you were declined from, as well as the reasons, like a skills mismatch, or perhaps the position closed or was filled.

The template is completely free to use, and you can download it from here. We’ve included a few How-To Tips below to help you get started.

How To Use the Spreadsheet:

  • Company: In this column, fill in the name of the company you’re applying to.
  • Position: Here, fill in the specific position you are applying to (be sure to include a Job ID, if available).
  • Contact Name: This should be your contact at the company, or the recruiter you are working with for the role. Common company contacts include: Director of Human Resources or the Office Manager. This could also be the person you addressed your cover letter to.
  • Contact Email: Include your contact’s email (or telephone number) if applicable. This is important for your follow-up efforts.
  • Date Applied: This is the date you sent in your application. If you haven’t heard back within a few weeks, don’t wait – see #6 for good follow-up practices.
  • Application Follow-Up Date: Include the date you submitted (or will submit) any follow up materials such as a thank you letter or email. We suggest following up on your application within 2 weeks of your application date, and to continue following up for 3 months unless the company gives you an outright no.
  • Applied VIA: In this column, record the application method you used. Some common examples of these application types include an in-person referral, an application through a recruiter, a LinkedIn connection, direct-apply on a company’s website, or using Job Boards. Be sure to record which one as the same job is often posted to multiple Job Boards by multiple agencies as well as the company itself.
  • Interview Date: This is the date your interview is scheduled for, or if you’ve already interviewed, the day it was on. (Success Tip: Remember to send a Thank You email within 24-hours of your interview.)
  • Application Status: Update this column with the current status of your application (such as if you were accepted, rejected, or asked in for a second interview).
  • Notes: This is a place for you to record any relevant information about the company, position, application, etc.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, we’d love to hear from you! Email works best. For more information and new job opportunities, click here.

Happy job searching!

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