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Authentic Networking: Unlocking Career Success by Being You

3 Things You Must Start Doing When You Become a Team Leader

Let's talk about something that often gives even the most confident of us, the jitters - networking. It's easy to get caught up in trying to impress others and be what we think they want us to be.

But guess what? There's a secret to networking success that many people overlook - it's all about being authentic. Being true to yourself can open amazing opportunities, create genuine connections, and take your career to new heights.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the importance of authenticity in networking and share practical tips and strategies to help you embrace your true self and achieve long-term success.

Embrace Your Unique Story

Unleashing the power of your unique story is a game-changer for job seekers who value authenticity in their networking endeavors. Your journey, experiences, and perspectives shape the extraordinary individual that you are. Embrace your distinctive narrative and fearlessly share it when connecting with others.

By confidently owning and authentically expressing your true self, you'll effortlessly stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impact on those you meet. Your genuine story not only establishes a personal connection but also showcases your inherent strengths and remarkable capabilities.

To effectively share your unique story, consider the following tips:

  1. Reflect on Your Uniqueness: Take time to delve into what sets you apart. Explore your passions, interests, and values. Identify the experiences that have profoundly influenced your growth and contributed to the amazing person you are today. Embrace and celebrate these aspects of your journey.
  2. Practice Sharing Your Story: Like any skill, sharing your story becomes more natural with practice. Engage in conversations where you can authentically express your experiences, values, and perspectives. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become in articulating your authentic self.
  3. Stay Genuine and Authentic: When sharing your story, authenticity is key. Resist the temptation to portray yourself as someone you're not. Authenticity resonates with others on a deeper level, while inauthenticity is easily detected. By staying true to yourself, you attract individuals who appreciate and connect with the real you.

Remember, your unique story is your greatest asset. Embrace it with pride and confidence, allowing it to shine through in your networking interactions. Your authenticity will captivate others, leaving a memorable impression and fostering meaningful connections.

Cultivate Genuine Connections

Cultivating genuine connections is a crucial aspect of networking, especially for job seekers. Authentic networking revolves around building real relationships rooted in trust and mutual respect. When you embrace your authentic self, you naturally attract like-minded individuals who appreciate and value you for who you are, creating meaningful connections that can greatly benefit your career.

To effectively cultivate genuine connections, consider the following tips:

  1. Seek Out Like-Minded Individuals: Actively look for opportunities to connect with people who share similar passions, interests, or values. Seek out professional communities, events, or online platforms where you can meet individuals with whom you can genuinely connect.
  2. Engage in Meaningful Conversations: When networking, strive to engage in conversations that go beyond surface-level small talk. Show a genuine interest in others by asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to their responses. This demonstrates that you value their input and creates a space for meaningful dialogue.
  3. Be an Attentive Listener: Listening is a powerful skill in networking. Take the time to listen actively and attentively to others. By showing that you genuinely care about what they have to say, you leave a lasting impression. Ask follow-up questions, provide thoughtful responses, and engage in conversations that demonstrate your interest and understanding.
  4. Follow Up and Show Appreciation: After meeting someone, take the initiative to follow up and express your gratitude for the interaction. Send a personalized thank-you note or connect with them on social media platforms like LinkedIn. By taking these small actions, you show that you genuinely value the connection and are interested in building a meaningful relationship.

When you approach networking with a sincere desire to connect on a deeper level, you build trust and foster relationships that can open doors to exciting opportunities in your career journey. So, be yourself, engage in meaningful conversations, and show appreciation for the connections you make.

Establish Trust and Reliability

Establishing trust and reliability is vital for job seekers when it comes to networking with authenticity. Authenticity serves as the cornerstone for building trust in any relationship. When you are genuine in your interactions, people can rely on you and trust that your intentions are sincere. Trust forms the foundation for meaningful connections and opportunities, and authenticity is the key to building that trust.

Remember, in the world of networking, trust is earned over time through consistent actions and genuine interactions. By embodying authenticity, you establish yourself as a reliable and trustworthy professional, opening doors to exciting career possibilities and long-lasting connections.

Here are some valuable tips to help you establish trust and reliability in your networking efforts:

  1. Be Transparent, Honest, and Dependable: Foster trust by being open, transparent, and honest in your interactions. Avoid exaggerating your skills or experiences and present yourself authentically. By demonstrating consistency between your words and actions, you show others that they can trust your integrity.
  2. Exhibit Integrity and Authenticity: Maintain a high level of integrity in all your professional interactions. Act in alignment with your values and principles, and let others see your true character. When you are authentic, people recognize your genuine intentions, which strengthens trust in your professional relationships.
  3. Follow Through on Commitments: A crucial aspect of building trust is being reliable. If you make a commitment or promise, ensure you follow through on it. Consistently delivering on your commitments demonstrates your reliability and builds confidence in your abilities and professionalism.

Embrace Vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability is essential for job seekers when utilizing authenticity in networking. Authenticity requires the courage to show up as your true self, even in situations that may feel uncomfortable. Rather than fearing vulnerability, view it as a strength and an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

By embracing vulnerability, you create an environment where others feel comfortable doing the same. Authenticity and vulnerability go hand in hand, allowing for deeper connections and fostering trust within your professional network.

Remember, being vulnerable does not mean being unguarded or divulging everything about yourself. It's about finding the balance between sharing appropriately and authentically. When you embrace vulnerability, you invite others to see the real you, fostering genuine connections that can lead to meaningful opportunities and professional growth.

Consider the following tips to become comfortable with vulnerability in your networking endeavors:

  1. Start with Small Steps: Begin by sharing small, authentic aspects of yourself with others. This could involve discussing your hobbies, interests, or non-work-related experiences. As you gradually become more comfortable, you can choose to reveal deeper and more personal aspects of your life.
  2. Welcome Feedback: Being open to both positive and constructive feedback is crucial for personal growth. When you receive feedback, take it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and refine your skills. Embrace feedback as a valuable tool that can propel you forward in your career journey.
  3. Don't Hesitate to Seek Help: Asking for assistance when needed is a sign of strength, not weakness. Recognize that it's perfectly acceptable to reach out to others for guidance, advice, or support. Networking is not just about what you can offer but also about building mutually beneficial relationships where people are willing to lend a helping hand.

Continuously Learn and Evolve

Continuous learning and evolution are crucial for job seekers who prioritize authenticity in their networking efforts. Authenticity is not synonymous with stagnation; it involves embracing personal growth and consistently drawing lessons from your experiences.

By continuously learning and evolving, you demonstrate your authenticity and commitment to personal and professional development. Through these actions, you not only enhance your authenticity but also position yourself as a valuable and dynamic professional in your networking interactions.

To foster growth and maintain authenticity in your networking journey, consider these tips:

  1. Embrace New Experiences: Stepping outside your comfort zone and being open to new experiences is essential for personal and professional development. Embrace opportunities that challenge you, as they provide valuable lessons and expand your skill set. By seeking out new experiences, you demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow, which enhances your authenticity.
  2. Learn from Others: Actively listen to the stories and experiences of those around you. By being receptive to their insights, you gain valuable knowledge and different perspectives. Recognize that everyone has something to teach, and by embracing this mindset, you position yourself as a continuous learner, which fosters authenticity.
  3. Be Adaptable: The world is in a constant state of flux, and adaptability is crucial for success. Embrace change, be open to new ideas, and adjust your approach as needed. Being adaptable showcases your ability to navigate different circumstances and demonstrates your authentic commitment to growth and improvement.

Authentic networking holds the key to unlocking career success for job seekers who dare to be themselves. In a world that often pressures us to conform and impress, authenticity stands out as a powerful tool that can open doors to incredible opportunities and forge genuine connections.

By embracing your unique story and fearlessly sharing it, you become a force to be reckoned with in the networking realm. Your genuine story not only establishes personal connections but also showcases your strengths and capabilities, setting the stage for remarkable career advancements.

In conclusion, authenticity is a powerful tool that can unlock your full potential and lead to a successful and fulfilling career. By being true to yourself and rocking your networking endeavors, you'll be amazed at the doors that open and the opportunities that come your way. Let go of the fear of judgment, be true to yourself, and watch as your networking efforts lead to meaningful relationships and career advancements.

Now go out there, be yourself, and rock your networking endeavors.

If you are looking for more personalized advice, don't hesitate to reach out to us at!


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Authenticity – Bring Your “Self” to Work

3 Things You Must Start Doing When You Become a Team Leader

“Just be yourself” - you’ve probably heard this throughout your life.  Although cliché, it is great advice. Being yourself helps you to avoid burnout, form meaningful relationships, and even perform better. But being your true self is easier said than done in some situations. One area where you may struggle with authenticity is at work.

It can be particularly difficult for individuals with marginalized identities because they too often face consequences for being themselves. Historically, there have been strict written and unwritten rules for how to conduct one's self professionally, with those rules not always being fair to everyone. But it seems that many of those rules are now being questioned, as the majority of us have been working from home for the last couple of years.

In her Ted talk entitled “The Myth of Bringing Your Full, Authentic Self to Work,” Jodi-Ann Burey uncovers some of the challenges she has faced as a Black woman in the professional world. A quote that stands out from her talk is, “Without accountability to examine the systems of bias and power, the call for authenticity fails.”

Nobody, no matter their race, sexuality, gender, age, or any other part of their identity, should ever be made to feel like they must hide who they are in order to succeed in the workplace. We will discuss some ways that leaders and employees can make space for authenticity for all workers later.

But first, let’s get familiar with what it means to be authentic and why it is so beneficial.

What is Authenticity?

What does “just be yourself” mean at work? It doesn’t mean that you must act exactly the same way throughout all of your interactions, as that is unrealistic. Nor does it mean that you need to share every detail of your personal life. At times it may be necessary to protect your boundaries and keep aspects of yourself separate from certain settings or people. And that’s perfectly okay.

Authenticity is simply when our internal selves (our values, motivations, and interests) align with our behavior. This can look very different depending on your preferences and work style. Cultivating authenticity is a lifelong practice of learning about yourself, and it requires experimentation.  You might try something and then realize that it didn’t feel right. When this happens, you learn something new about yourself and might be more comfortable being a bit more open in the future.

Benefits of Authenticity

Avoid Burnout

Hiding your authentic self in the workplace is likely contributing to burnout more than you may realize. The effort you expend trying to control your work image is costly — performing all day at work is exhausting. Once that pressure comes off, you free up so much energy to put into your work. You will also probably notice that you have more energy to spend on developing other aspects of your life, like your relationships. This brings us to the next benefit...

Form Meaningful Relationships

You might think it’s easier to put up a barrier while you’re at work and separate your social life from your work life. But you most likely spend a good portion of your days at work, so being able to have those strong connections at work will be extremely beneficial. The importance of having meaningful relationships cannot be stressed enough. Studies have found having strong connections to be related to better job performance, and even to increased longevity.

 Perform Better

When you constantly put on a mask at work and feel like you have to stay silent on topics that are important to you, you will likely feel stressed and disconnected from your work. However, once that mask comes off, you’ll be better motivated to engage with and commit to your work and you can watch your performance soar. In an interview about authenticity at work, Human Resources and Recruitment Practitioner Madison Butler explains “When you empower people to be exactly who they’re intending to be in the world, you get people who are more focused on what they’re doing every day. If I’m not focused on the sound of my voice, I can really focus on what I’m saying.”

In Google’s research on what makes a successful team, they found psychological safety to be the most important factor. Psychological safety means that people are given the space to communicate openly, and they know that they can make mistakes without facing harsh consequences. Psychological safety is directly related to authenticity. When people know that they won’t be punished for being themselves, they are much more likely to act authentically.

How to Practice Authenticity at Work (and Make Space for Others to Do the Same)

Now that we’ve established what authenticity is and why it’s important, you might be thinking “okay that’s great, but how do I actually do it?” Whether you are in a position of leadership at your organization or not, we’ll go over some strategies to help you encourage authenticity in yourself and others.

As discussed earlier, some work settings might not be particularly conducive to authenticity, especially for those with marginalized identities. That needs to change. Both the companies and the employees will see the benefits of more open and inclusive workspaces. When authenticity is encouraged, it has been shown to lead to better employee motivation, innovation, and productivity, as well as much higher retention rates.

Make Inclusion a Priority

The first step in enabling authenticity for all employees is to make workplaces more inclusive. This starts with strong leaders who encourage empathy and a sense of belonging. Strong leaders also take steps to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the recruiting process.

If you are not in a position of leadership, you can still play a major role in contributing to a more inclusive work environment. Some actions you can take to achieve this are to speak up if you see fellow coworkers being treated unfairly and to normalize authenticity by doing so as much as you can (without facing consequences).

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to increase your capacity for authenticity. Through mindfulness exercises, people can become more aware of their own values, feelings, and motivations. The more self-aware you are, the easier it will be to act authentically. Many also report that through mindfulness practice, they have learned to live more intentionally and remain more present in their day-to-day lives.

As the great philosopher, Ferris Bueller, once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. It’s easy to get swept up by your daily routine and miss out on quality experiences. Mindfulness helps you avoid this.

Practicing mindfulness can look really different depending on your preferences. It could be daily meditations, mindful walking, taking breaks to check in throughout the day, or anything else you like. There really are no rules to it; just make it work for you!

Push Yourself to Be Vulnerable

Being yourself can be scary, but once you step out of your comfort zone and open up just a little bit, it will start to be much less intimidating. You can start small, maybe by talking about some of the ways that you’ve had to adjust to the pandemic with your coworkers.

Be a Good Listener

Authenticity is very much connected to your relationships. This means that being authentic isn’t only about being yourself, but also about allowing others the space to do the same. Being a good listener pushes you to be more present in the moment, and in doing so you learn more about yourself and others. This is one of the ways that authenticity helps build meaningful relationships.

Having someone give you their full attention, and really listen to what you have to say is a beautiful thing. When you are a good listener, others feel seen and heard, helping to give them the confidence to be themselves.


The very truth of the matter is that you are a complicated combination of your DNA and your experiences. You have a perspective that only you can have. Bringing your full self to everything you do will only further strengthen the confidence you have in yourself. What you may be dismissing is that your unique perspective is so very important to the rest of us. You will think of things that we would not consider – and we can do the same for you. True collaboration is the only way we can solve some of the really challenging problems we encounter – and we all need to bring our full selves for that to be possible.


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