Well…. Now what? You prepared for the big day, followed all the tips for success, and have now completed the adrenaline pumping process that is the interview. All set, right? Wrong. Just as your job was to create the most favorable, professional image possible of yourself during the interview, the same goes for after.
The interview is just the beginning of a hopefully long and fulfilling career at a company. A good analogy is a great dinner, the best meals are the ones that impress at every point. The food, prepared with thought and care, is an impressive show of ambiance and substance, and finally, the dessert, similar to the “follow up,” provides the final element. It can leave you underwhelmed if it doesn’t match up or go above and beyond to offer the last of confirmations of a killer meal.
Allow your actions following the interview to be the warm apple pie that is your superior ability to fulfill the qualifications for this role. This post will let you in on the why, how, and when of your actions following an interview.
The follow up of the interview provides an opportunity to present yourself as a professional again. You can use this to reinforce any elements you feel are essential as well as clarify certain aspects you felt did not get enough attention in the interview. You can elevate yourself as a candidate and keep your name fresh in the interviewer’s mind.
Additionally, showing eagerness for the job may be the deciding factor between you and another candidate. Some recruiters agree that the post-interview process is only as necessary as how you performed in the actual interview. Most interviewers expect at least a thank you note, so optimize this platform to make yourself a stand-out candidate.
At the end of your interview, it is helpful to ask the hiring manager about the process moving forward. To know what to expect and reduce anxiety, ask about a timeline on making their decision, with whom to follow up with, when to do so, and how. Analyze your interview and think about anything that you may need to clarify. Few notes for your follow up interview:
- Recap of your strengths and why the position is a match for you
- Welcoming the opportunity to join their organization
- Address any additional information that you weren’t able to answer fully at the time
- Appreciation for the opportunity and a personalized touch
It’s also a good idea to send a tailored LinkedIn request with a brief note about your interest in the position. Additionally, alert your references that they may receive a call or email and summarize your case for the job. Finally, stay calm. Don’t let the stress of time overwhelm you. Keep up the job search and remain aware of the employer’s timeline.
Typically, you want to reach out closely following the interview to reinforce yourself in the interviewer’s memory. It is best to send a thank you email the same or the next day after the actual interview. If you received information from the interviewer about when they would like you to follow up, then you should follow the timeline they provide. However, if not, then be wary of enthusiasm versus annoyance. After the thank you email, it is typical to follow up approximately one week after. Be patient and professional, and regardless of the outcome, remember to thank the interviewers for their time and consideration.
You have got what it takes to master the entirety of the interview process and secure that job. Be confident in your abilities and help yourself out by taking every step to emphasize your superior strength for the role.