Open post Tiny Machine Learning - Bringing AI to the Internet of Things

Tiny Machine Learning: Bringing AI to the Internet of Things

3 Things You Must Start Doing When You Become a Team Leader

Tiny Machine Learning: Bringing AI to the Internet of Things

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the forefront of technological development. As a technology, ML is inherently flexible and has the potential to revolutionize industries and the world. Many of the potential applications of ML exist on small, low voltage circuits. Tiny Machine Learning or tinyML, as it is referred to, is a sub-field of machine learning. TinyML is where machine learning and embedded internet of things (IoT) collide. This emerging technology has the potential to be revolutionary for multiple industries.

The tinyML Foundation describes its discipline as the following:

“a fast-growing field of machine learning technologies and applications including hardware, algorithms, and software capable of performing on-device sensor data analytics at extremely low power, typically in the milli-watt range and below, and hence enabling a variety of always-on use-cases and targeting battery-operated devices.”

In previous articles, we’ve extensively discussed the Internet of Things (IoT) - both how to keep IoT devices safe and how 5G and the IoT have the potential to create smart cities. IoT devices are some of the most obvious and exciting applications for tinyML. While these devices often aren’t battery-run, their ideal is to dissipate as little power as possible to decrease the cost-over-time of one’s device.

For reference, a typical household lightbulb dissipates 60W of power meaning these machine learning circuits operate extremely cheaply. These devices often involve some degree of ML. And with advanced tinyML technology, both the scope and efficiency of these devices could be improved. Alongside the development of battery technologies, many of these devices may eventually be wireless, battery-run, and portable.

While IoT devices seem like the obvious first step for tinyML, countless other applications are possible. The tinyML foundation presents many potential applications on its website. For example, they show how tinyML technology could make agriculture more water-efficient and sustainable.

The author, Ravi Rao, argues “for the implementation of the precision agriculture model, connecting all the devices to the network and passing data to the cloud is not always feasible … using microcontrollers interfaced with moisture sensors and water control valves, it is possible to implement a simple automatic irrigation system that turns the irrigation system on or off depending on a static value of soil moisture levels.”

TinyML has the possibility not only to revolutionize our consumer devices but could help promote sustainability and has the potential for many more applications. The key benefit of tinyML is its efficiency and decentralized nature. While current ML systems send data to the cloud for processing, tinyML systems can perform data analysis on-device. This makes for less data flow, more efficient applications, and a world of possibilities.


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5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Helping to Make Your City Smarter

3 Things You Must Start Doing When You Become a Team Leader

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a powerful technology that’s been developing quickly in recent years. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, IoT has the potential for many powerful applications that we can utilize going forward. One obvious flaw, however, is that IoT can only perform as well as the network on which it runs. With 5G expanding by the day, combining the two has the potential to revolutionize our cities, communication, transportation, and the world at large.


This article by IoT for All, The Future of 5G and IoT in Smart Cities, explains the many revolutionary applications of IoT and 5G broadband. For example, it could determine increased energy efficiency, as devices and appliances in a building could communicate with each other to monitor and manage electricity usage. Infrastructure could also benefit greatly as the technology could predict and manage traffic efficiently, possibly curbing heavy traffic times. Imagine if map applications collected everyone’s destinations and were able to spread them across multiple routes to optimize traffic flow. These applications may seem distant or utopia, but one of the biggest barriers to their implementation has been communication between devices, something that IoT can greatly improve.

Security Concerns

As discussed in a previous article, the IoT comes with some security concerns. Connecting these fundamentally important city structures could increase the chance of massively damaging cyber-attacks. As IoT advances, many of these security flaws will need to be worked out, so that we can take advantage of the benefits and mitigate any cyber-security threats. The eventual development of things like the quantum internet could make these systems hacker-proof, eliminating any cause for concern.

Hope for the Future

These ideas, musings of a technological utopia, are interesting and inspiring to think about, but they are not new. Many of our country’s wealthiest CEOs, such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates, have already discussed or announced plans to construct planned cities of this nature. Despite what seems nigh-impossible, these men seem confident in their vision. To fight climate change, increase quality of life, and innovate into the future, the development of smart cities may be integral to our future; it all starts with IoT and 5G.

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Open post Digital brain with a localized memory of information. Text: The Future of Marketing and Software - Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

The Future of Marketing and Software – Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

3 Things You Must Start Doing When You Become a Team Leader

If you are an avid follower of Quardev Thoughts, you will have no doubt heard of the Internet of Things (IoT). In essence, it’s a network created by connecting everyday electronics, refrigerators, thermostats, etc., to the internet. The IoT has been ever-expanding over the past couple of years. And it will undoubtedly continue to grow as more convenient products fly off the shelves. As a result of IoT, an additional network and system currently developing is the Internet of Behaviors (IoB). Just as the IoT is a network of physical products sharing data and being remotely controlled, in the future, IoB will analyze behaviors through the lens of human psychology. It can then use their analysis to control marketing and IoT gadgets and influence consumer actions or optimize the performance of hardware.

The Exchange of Data

A recent Forbes article discussing the IoB came to the astute conclusion that “The IoT revolution was driven by hardware – connected devices that exchange data over the internet – but software that integrates this data will give rise to the IoB.” For example, your smart-thermostat could communicate with your smartwatch, adjusting the indoor temperature to optimize energy and keep you comfortable according to your vitals. This is just one example of how the IoB could be seriously impactful, but there’s one massive problem: data.

Current Challenges

Inherently, IoB systems would have to synthesize datasets from many different sources to make suggestions to marketers and IoT networks. However, teams that work on IoT systems are separated, both between companies and within siloed organizations. It’s incredibly difficult, right now, for a developer to synthesize all of this data and use it all together. As we move into the future, agile, intermixed teams will be vital in developing IoB networks. Currently, companies like Apple are most poised to employ such techniques.

Apple, for example, has a sizable immersive ecosystem of products that draw in consumers. They could use this to their benefit and develop robust IoB systems that employ all of their products working in unison. Other, smaller companies may need to work together to build such an ecosystem. For example, a smart-lighting company could work with a phone company to suggest adjusting your lights-out time if you must wake up early the following day.

Future Considerations

The key to building IoB systems will be collaboration and data. Corporations will need to adjust their teams to be less siloed and more agile, allowing for more holistic integration. Additionally, IoB systems will likely be the future of both software and marketing. If data is shared more readily, it will undoubtedly result in more accurate marketing, using an individual’s day-to-day behavior. However, as with any new technology, there are privacy and ethical concerns we must consider. Securing data seems to be a challenge currently. So clearly, a different system is needed if you would like to feel safe indulging in these futuristic luxuries.

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