January 2017 QASIG Video – Panel on the Future of QA

The Future of QA – Panel Discussion


Meet our panel – QA representatives from local companies who will help us answer some of these questions. We are happy to welcome to the following colleagues:

  • Brian Gaudreau, Software Quality Professional
  • Matt Pina, IT Security Consultant, UW Medicine IT
  • Joy Shafer, Software Developer in Test, The Climate Corp
  • Jamie Campbell, Senior Manager Engineering, Tableau Software

Moderated by Andy Fox, Software Design Engineer in Test, Quardev

November QASIG: Service Virtualization in Action: How Alaska Airlines tests for snow storms in July

#ServiceVirtualization | November 8 | QASIG-Seattle

Fall in Seattle

“Service Virtualization in Action: How Alaska Airlines tests for snow storms in July” is a QASIG-Seattle talk being presented by Ryan Papineau, Automated Testing Engineer at Alaska Airlines during the upcoming #QASIG #SeattleTech #Meetup at #Quardev | reserve your seat

Why did Alaska Airlines receive J.D. Powers’ “Highest in Customer Satisfaction” recognition for 8 years straight, plus the “#1 on-time major North American Carrier” award for the last 5 years? A large part of the credit belongs to their software testing team’s proactive approach to disrupting the traditional software testing process.

The team uses advanced test automation in concert with service virtualization to rigorously test their complex flight operations management application, which interacts with myriad dependent systems (fuel, passenger, crew, cargo, baggage, aircraft, and more). The result: operations that run smoothly—even if they encounter a snowstorm in July.

Attend this session to get a first-hand account of how Alaska Airlines leverages service virtualization to address common testing challenges and to learn Alaska Airlines’ best practices for managing the complexity of multiple dependent systems for testing.

About Our Speaker | Ryan uses systems engineering, cross-team collaboration, along with data analytics to provide complex test environments that behave like production.

Join us for this and other upcoming QASIG-Seattle events by reserving your seat at www.qasig.orgEvents are held at QUARDEV 2707 NE Blakeley Street in Seattle. Doors open at 6:00 for networking and nosh, presentation begins at 6:30 – all are welcome.

Join the Conversation

About #QASIG Seattle

QASIG seeks to engage members of the high-tech community in discussions on the evolving challenges of software quality assurance and look at ways to advance the leading methodologies and best practices.

Challenges Ahead

As software development continues to evolve, the way in which we approach quality assurance and software testing must keep pace or become obsolete.

Consumers demand software that is available, reliable, and secure. It is important for us to continually re-evaluate the QA and testing processes we are employing and why we are using them.

We hope to explore these and many other questions facing the software development, quality assurance, and software testing industries in upcoming QASIG meetings and invite you to take part in the dialog.

Join us for this and other upcoming events by reserving your seat at www.qasig.org

January 2016 QASIG Meeting

We kicked off the 16th year of the QASIG on Wednesday, January 13th. We are very excited about a new year and facilitating fresh content for and with our colleagues.

David Brown got us started by taking a look at the premier security testing tool, Burp suite, developed by Portswigger.  Check out the video on our YouTube channel.

How to Burp

Burp Suite, despite the funny name, is one of the security industry’s most mature and widely used tools. While some say this is mostly a result of the industry’s lack of any other mature or widely used tools, those people are missing the point. By providing a variety of tools, all connected to a robust HTTP proxy, Burp Suite strikes a careful balance between automating only tedious or time consuming aspects of security testing websites and services, freeing testers to focus on the more important (read: fun) aspects of any given test. We’ll take a tour through Burp, focusing on features available in
the free version of the Suite along with some of the more useful plugins available through the (mostly free) appstore.

About our speaker: David Brown – Senior Security Engineer @ Security Innovation, Inc.

David has amassed expansive expertise in secure software development, mobile platform security and enterprise authentication/authorization. At Security Innovation, David uses this expertise to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in enterprise software applications, complex networked systems, cloud applications, web applications and mobile applications. He has worked on projects for companies such as Adobe, Amazon, Kronos, Microsoft, and Symantec.

Prior to joining Security Innovation, David held various positions for the Boeing Corporation including Security Analyst and System Design/Integration Specialist. His primary focus was application and mobile security, responsible for the development and maintenance of security guidance for internal application developers and IT across the company. He also analyzed various mobile platforms, developed security policies for data handling and mobile application development, and led the security review and assessment of a critical iOS application deployment that delivered highly sensitive data to a high-target user base.

David earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Houston, which was fully funded by academic scholarships.

Details about our March QASIG will be posted soon… stay tuned!

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